Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Winter is Here

I guess we might as well accept it.... winter is really here. The snow yesterday was so beautiful! Here are a few shots we took on and around the property. It's nice not to have to go far.

Barn in Winter

Winter Wonderland

This shot was taken looking out our front door. Our kitten Flash was helping with the photography. As I walked around the yard in ankle deep snow, Flash followed me jumping from boot print to boot print! He lasted as long as I did!

All this snow got me thinking about the Grabarczyk family and some of the pictures we took this summer at their home and later with their kids and the family hot rod.

The entire family loves this car - but the kids are nuts about it!

This shot was taken on a very hot day in the shade of a very beautiful walkway. All the landscaping was done by Rececca (mom to 2 of the kids).

This portrait was taken at sunset on the fence around the family's horse paddock. It really just sort of happened! As I was setting up, the kids were playing and lined themselves up on the fence. I love the way this turned out to almost be a candid shot!

Here is the link if you would like to see more of these portraits Grabarczyk Kids

Anyway, I guess it is time to go shovel the driveway. Hope you enjoyed this splash of summer!

- Mike

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